Croft Guidelines Standards Sources

Croft Guidelines standards are long standing for diagnosis and care of Cervical Acceleration / Deceleration (CAD) cases. Dr. Arthur Croft, an internationally known chiropractic physician, whiplash researcher, lecturer and author, developed and published the Croft Guidelines protocol. Croft Guidelines are specifically for whiplash or CAD victims treated by chiropractic physicians. They can be used by any healthcare provider for providing an accurate CAD diagnosis.

Croft Guidelines standards and grading systems have been around since 1993. Croft initially published this work in 1993 in American Chiropractic Association Journal and later in 1995 and 2002 in the text Whiplash Injuries 2nd and 3rd editions respectively and Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries 2009. I wrote a chapter on the Croft Guidelines in the text Whiplash and Hidden Soft Tissue Injuries 2nd edition.

I have formally taught the Croft Guidelines standards as part of chiropractic continuing education post graduate courses throughout the United States for over two decades. See PI ONLINE Trainings for detailed instruction on the appropriate usage of the Croft Guidelines.